7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

CPRIT, Part 7 (Conclusion): Reflections

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The story of CPRIT is not over. Revelations and reactions come out almost daily as the power struggles continue. It is ultimately in the legislature's hands what will occur.

But the situation is not encouraging. There is no reason to believe that there is a way to put Humpty Dumpty back together again after this fiasco. Nothing I've seen looks at all hopeful about change even though the new CPRIT officials are making compliant noises. The vigorous pro-rapid-commercialization defenses being made are not reassuring. Those who promote a "business" or "engineering" approach to cancer drugs while disdaining scientific evaluation are misguided, but they with probably some sincerity think they are marvelous people who plan to combine "doing good" with "doing well." After all, if Governor Perry had my opinion of the dangers of unproven therapies, he would never have permitted his surgeon to inject him with multiplied stem cells. And, these people are extremely tenacious. The focus seems to be on saying there will be "better management procedures" henceforward and I don't have confidence that will address the impetus to eschew scientific evaluation.

There is some hope that some of the earlier monies spent by CPRIT may prove worthwhile, and there is some satisfaction that such a large group of people stood up for the principle that scientific review MUST be a part of deciding what is commercialized.

In her resignation letter, Monica Bertagnolli of Harvard Medical School said it best:
In awarding funding, I believe that it is critically important for commercialization potential to be secondary at all times to scientific quality. Many projects that have significant commercialization potential in the short term also lack scientific validity.

I would like to shout her last sentence out from the rooftops, or put it on a sign:  Many projects that have significant commercialization potential in the short term also lack scientific validity.

When evidence is ignored or suppressed while "products" are put on the market, people are bilked, money is wasted, and very often people are physically harmed as well (cf. Ben Goldacre's sensible reflections on Health Care's Trick Coin). The more commercialization without evidence becomes the norm, the more people are injured by bad medicine.

Of course, there is another way to look at this. Money out of one person's pocket is indeed money into another person's, and, as Governor Perry astutely observes, this makes for a lot of "wealth creation." (And as he also astutely observes, basic research doesn't always do that.) If we want to make some people very wealthy and our medical system even more ahead of the rest of the world in being most costly -- hey, way to go! If we want to turn a supposed cancer research endeavor into yet another of the Governor's taxpayer-funded slush funds for campaign contributors -- great work!

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