11 Aralık 2012 Salı

Should Health Care be a "'Commodity, Subordinate to the Laws of the Market?" - a Powerful Rebuttal

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In the US, it has become the accepted wisdom that health care is now an industry, not a calling or a profession, and the health care it produces is a commodity, not a human service. 

The Conventional Wisdom

For example, earlier in 2012 we quoted Dr Ralph de la Torre, the CEO of Steward Healthcare (formerly the Caritas Christi health system, a Catholic health care system whose take-over by Cerberus Capital Management, a private equity firm, was arranged in part by Dr de la Torre [see posts here]):

In deference to those who love the individual hospital, you have to look back at America and the trends in industries that have gone from being art to science, to being commodities. Health care is becoming a commodity. The car industry started off as an art, people hand-shaping the bodies, hand-building the engines. As it became a commodity and was all about making cars accessible to everybody, it became more about standardization. It's not different from the banking industry and other industries as they've matured. Health care is finally maturing as an industry, and part of that maturation process is consolidation. It's getting economies of scale and in many ways making it a commodity

More recently, Human Events, which describes itself as "the nation’s first conservative weekly," featured a description of a new book by one Edmund L Valentine, "CEO of the Stamford, Conn.-based MMC International, a health care consulting firm, which emphasizes its expertise in the pharmaceutical and device manufacturing fields.  In it, Mr Valentine stated that one should:

treat health insurance as a commodity, where companies only compete based on their reputation and price.
but presumably companies should not compete based on the effects of their products on the health of those who buy them.

Furthermore, he supported

the further industrialization of healthcare, ...

'Industrialization created our great economy,' he said. 'Allow the market and competition can fix the inefficiencies in the system.'
This ignored the arguments going back to the work of Kenneth Arrow that health care cannot be an ideal market (see this post), and all the data suggesting that in the last 20-30 years, when the market fundamentalists became so influential in US health care, costs have risen continuously and quickly without commensurate gains in access or quality.    These are just the latest of many examples of the business people who now run health care justifying approaching it as just another business.

A Strong Rebuttal of the Argument that Health Care is an Industry that Produces a Commodity  

For quite a while, Dr Arnold Relman has lead a relatively lonely quest to restore medicine as a profession and health care as a calling  (see posts here, here and here).  He noted that at one time, the notion that "the practice of medicine should not be commercialized, nor treated as a commodity in trade.'" was considered very mainstream.  (The quote came from the mid- twentieth century AMA code of ethics.)  We have done what little we can to support him.  However, the opposition to the new normal of health care as an industry that produces a commodity has paled compared to the conventional wisdom favored by rich executives and supported by billions of dollars of marketing, public relations, and lobbying budgets.    

However, this week strong support for health care as professions, as a calling, and hospitals as serving a mission just appeared in a big way in a major address to a health care meeting in Europe.  First, in the context  

during the current economic crisis "that is cutting resources for safeguarding health,"...   Hospitals and other facilities 'must rethink their particular role in order to avoid having health become a simple 'commodity,' subordinate to the laws of the market, and, therefore, a good reserved to a few, rather than a universal good to be guaranteed and defended,'  

'Only when the wellbeing of the person, in its most fragile and defenseless condition and in search of meaning in the unfathomable mystery of pain, is very clearly at the center of medical and assisted care' can the hospital be seen as a place where healing isn't a job, but a mission,

 The speaker thus directly challenged the current notion that health care is a commodity, and those who work in health care have jobs, not callings or missions. 

While the speaker was in fact a retired distinguished professor from a European university, but before any market fundamentalists start thinking he could be pilloried as some radical European academic, note the following.

The conference was the XXVI International Conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, and the speaker quoted above was Pope Benedict XVI. 

Thus there is some very distinguished, albeit not numerous support for the ideas that held sway before market fundamentalism took over much of health care, the ideas that medicine is a profession and a calling, and hospitals should be mission oriented organizations, and that health care professionals and institutions should put patients' health and welfare first, very far ahead of short-term revenue and the accumulation of wealth by health care organizational leaders. 

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