3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

ONC's Christmas Confessional on Health IT Safety: "HIT Patient Safety Action & Surveillance Plan for Public Comment"

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This time of year is certainly appropriate for a confessional on the health IT industry and hyperenthusiasts' sins.

In the first report I've seen that seems genuinely imbued with a  basic level of recognition of social responsibility incurred by conducting the grand human subjects experiment known as national health IT, ONC has issued a Dec. 21, 2012 report "Health Information Technology Patient Safety Action & Surveillance Plan for Public Comment." It is available at this link in PDF.

Statements are made that have appeared repeatedly since 2004 at this blog, and my health IT difficulties site that went online years before this blog (1998 to be exact); it is possible through my early writing and that of like-minded colleagues that we were the origin of most of these memes.  We wrote them with the result of bringing much scorn upon ourselves. After all, "how could health IT possibly not be a panacea?" was the "you are an apostate" attitude I certainly experienced (e.g., as in my Sept. 2012 post "The Dangers of Critical Thinking in A Politicized, Irrational Culture").

Observations echoed in the new ONC report:

  • "Just as health IT can create new opportunities to improve patient care and safety, it can also create new potentials for harm."
  • Health IT will only fulfill its enormous potential to improve patient safety if the risks associated with its use are identified, if there is a coordinated effort to mitigate those risks, and if it is used to make care safer.
  • Because health IT is so tightly integrated into care delivery today, it is difficult to interpret this initial research [such as the PA Patient Safety Authority study  - ed.], which would seem to suggest that health IT is a modest cause of medical errors. However, it is difficult to say whether a medical error is health IT-related. [Not emphasized, as I wrote here, is the issue of risk when, say, tens of thousands of prescriptions are erroneous due to one software bug, a feat impossible with paper - ed.]
  • The proper steps to improve the safety of health IT can only be taken if there is better information regarding health IT’s risks, harms, and impact on patient safety.

Suggested steps to be taken include:

  • Make it easier for clinicians to report patient safety events and risks using EHR technology.
  • Engage health IT developers to embrace their shared responsibility for patient safety and promote reporting of patient safety events and risks. [I am frankly amazed to see this admission.  In the past, that sector excused itself entirely on the basis of the "learned intermediary" doctrine and "hold harmless" clauses; where the clinician is an all-knowing Deity between computer and patient.  I've been writing for years, however, that the computer is now the intermediary between clinician and patient since all care 'transactions' have to traverse what is now an enterprise clinical resource and clinician control system - ed.]
  • Provide support to Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) to identify, aggregate, and analyze health IT safety event and hazard reports.
  • Incorporate health IT safety in post-market surveillance of certified EHR technology
  • Align CMS health and safety standards with the safety of health IT, and train surveyors.
  • Collect data on health IT safety events through the Quality & Safety Review System (QSRS).
  • Monitor health IT adverse event reports to the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database. [I've been promoting the use of MAUDE for just that purpose, and much more regarding documenting and reporting on mission-hostile health IT; see this post - ed.]

These steps are to be taken in order to "Inspire Confidence and Trust in Health IT and Health Information Exchange."

The title of my keynote address to the Health Informatics Society of Australia this summer was, in fact, "Critical Thinking on Building Trusted, Transformative Medical Information:  Improving Health IT as the First Step".

My thoughts on this report:

  • It is at least two decades overdue.
  • It was produced largely if not solely due to the pressure of the "HIT apostates", finally overcoming industry memes and control of information flows through great perseverance.
  • It is indeed a confessional of the sins committed by the health IT industry over those decades.  Creating, implementing and maintaining mission critical software in a safety-cognizant way is not, and was not, a mystery.  It's been done in numerous industries for decades.
  • It is still a bit weak in acknowledging the likely magnitude of under-reporting of medical errors, including HIT-related, in the available data, and the issue of risk vs. 'confirmed body counts' as I wrote at my recent post "A Significant Additional Observation on the PA Patient Safety Authority Report -- Risk".
  • It is unfortunate that this report did not come from the informatics academic community in the United States, i.e., the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).  AMIA's academics have done well in advancing the theoretical aspects of the technologies, and how to create "good health IT" and not "bad health IT."  However, they have largely abrogated their social responsibilities and obligations, including but not limited to those of physicians, in ensuring the theories were followed in practice by an industry all too eager to ignore academic research (which, in order to follow, utilizes money and resources and reduces margins).
(On the latter point, just last week did the American College of Medical Informatics [ACMI] refuse to permit me to be a speaker at their early 2013 annual retreat despite support from some of its members.)

And this:

  • If the industry and the academics had been doing their job responsibly, I might be spending this Christmas and New Years's holiday with my mother, rather than visiting her in the cemetery.

All that said, the report is welcome.

Finally, it is hoped - and expected - that public comments will indeed be "public", and that any irregularities in such comments (such as appeared in the public comments period for MU2 due to industry ghostwriting as in my Aug. 2012 post "Health IT Vendor EPIC Caught Red-Handed: Ghostwriting And Using Customers as Stealth Lobbyists - Did ONC Ignore This?" and Sept. 2012 post "Was EPIC successful in watering down the Meaningful Use Stage 2 Final Rule?") will be reported and acted upon in an aggressive manner.

And finally, from the Healthcare Renewal blog, Merry Christmas.

-- SS

Denying the Inconvenient Truth About Study 329

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On 1BoringOldMan, Mickey, the semi-anonymous retired psychiatrist blogger, has updated the saga of Study 329.  The manipulation of Study 329 was a central part of the US government's case against GlaxoSmithKline that was recently settled for $3 billion and resulted in three guilty pleas by the company (look here and here.)

Mickey's previous voluminous series of posts on this subject are listed here.  He and others, most notably Dr Jon Jureidini, have attempted to get the journal that published the now widely ridiculed Study 329 retracted.  His three recent posts on the subject are:
the lesson of Study 329: an unfinished symphony…
 a response… 

 In the most recent of these, he argued,

In this particular case, there are no facts in question. It was a negative trial, declared negative by the people who did it. The paper was ghost-written and reviewed by the sponsor before any of the twenty two authors ever saw a manuscript. The science was jury-rigged to imply a positive outcome where none was supported using well-documented sleight of hand. None of that is speculative. And the article has been a centerpiece for court settlements worth billions of dollars.

Yet, the  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry refused to retract the article. Mickey's opinion in the second of the posts listed above,

One can only conclude that they found this article to be an inconvenient truth, and that Dr. Andres Martin and his colleagues in the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry believe that acknowledging that truth would do more harm than good [or maybe even found a way not to see the truth at all, though it's hard to imagine how]. Sooner or later, this whole tawdry saga is going to find its way out of the blogs and courtrooms and into the full light of day. And the question that’s going to be asked is why didn’t Medicine itself deal with the problem? Why didn’t the Journal itself retract the misinformation once they knew about it? Why didn’t the industry sponsor itself call for the retraction as part of their settlement with the DOJ? What possible reasonable reason could there be for leaving a paper that is a lie in their journal without even an expression of concern, much less a retraction? And there aren’t going to be any believable answers.

Mickey concluded the most recent post,

The loser in this story is the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and ultimately psychiatry itself…

The longer inconvenient truths are ignored or suppressed, the more inconvenient, and hazardous they will ultimately become. 

ADDENDUM (26 December, 2012) - One more post on 1BoringOldMan: telling the truth as a liability…

Its conclusion

By any criteria, the conclusion to the 2001 Keller et al article is wrong ["Paroxetine is generally well tolerated and effective for major depression in adolescents"]. That’s not the reason that some of us have been so persistent in pushing for retraction. The reason is that it was wrong at the time the article was published, and they knew it was wrong, but published it anyway. We want to make a statement about the integrity of the scientific literature.

'Tis the Season for Legal Settlements: GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Orthofix, Sanofi all Settle

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Reports of legal settlements by big health care organizations tend to dribble out towards the end of the year, maybe in a rush to finalize the year's accounting, maybe because the news will not register as well at times when people are distracted by holidays.  Here is a round-up in alphabetical order of some recent settlements of interest made by drug and device companies.


Earlier this year GSK made the largest settlement, in monetary terms, ever by a pharmaceutical company (see this post).  At the end of the year it made two more.  Neither got much media attention.  The first was related to the earlier $3 billion settlement.  As reported by the [Great] Lebanon [Oregon] Express:

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced in a press release that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to pay $90 million to Oregon and 37 other states to settle claims that it unlawfully promoted its diabetes drug, Avandia.

As the co-leader of the lawsuit, Oregon will receive $3.9 million of the settlement, according to the release.

The 38 attorneys general claimed in lawsuits filed Nov. 15 that GlaxoSmithKline misrepresented the cardiovascular risks posed by Avandia. A negotiated consent judgment was filed shortly thereafter.

 Avandia was a blockbuster drug for GlaxoSmithKline. First approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999, annual sales peaked at more than $2.5 billion in 2006.


 Oregon and the 37 other states claim GlaxoSmithKline made safety claims about Avandia not supported by the scientific evidence.

The states allege the company failed to disclose negative information about Avendia’s cardiovascular health effects.

In addition to the monetary settlement, the agreement included all sorts of pledges by GSK:

As part of the consent judgment between the parties, GlaxoSmithKline agreed to reform how it markets and promotes diabetes drugs. It agreed to several conditions:
 • To refrain from making false, misleading, or deceptive claims about any diabetes drug;
• To refrain from making comparative safety claims not supported by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience;
• To refrain from presenting favorable information previously thought of as valid but rendered invalid by contrary and more credible recent information;
•   To refrain from misusing statistics or otherwise misrepresenting the nature, applicability, or significance of clinical trials.

The Consent Judgment also has the following terms that are effective for at least eight years:
• GlaxoSmithKline must post summaries of all company sponsored observational studies or meta-analyses conducted by the company that are designed to inform the effective, safe, and/or appropriate use of its diabetes drugs;
• The company post summaries of company-sponsored clinical trials of diabetes products within eight months of the primary completion date;
• GlaxoSmithKline must register and post all company-sponsored clinical trials as required by federal law.

Even more under the radar was a second, unrelated settlement, only briefly chronicled by Reuters (here via the Chicago Tribune):

 British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline Plc has reached a $150 million preliminary settlement with U.S. drug wholesalers who claimed the company improperly delayed entry to the market of generic alternatives to its nasal spray Flonase, according to court documents.

The settlement was reached with, among others, AmerisourceBergen Corp, Cardinal Health Inc, and McKesson Corp, who maintained that Glaxo had abused the citizen's petition process to maintain a market monopoly and overcharge for the spray by restricting access to less expensive generic versions.

Note that while the first settlement was clearly about misleading, deceptive marketing of a relatively dangerous drug as safe, a practice that likely lead to suffering and death of some patients, the second settlement which involved an unfair business practice that likely increased the cost of care to some patients, and decreased the profits of some competitors, lead to a monetarily larger settlement.

Again, these latter two settlements seem to just ice the cake of the $3 billion settlement earlier this year.

 Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charges and settled allegations about questionable marketing practices for its anti-psychotic drug Zyprexa for over $1 billion in 2009 (see post here).  The settlement provided some instructive information about how big pharmaceutical companies employ ghost writing to sell product (see this post).  Now at the end of 2012, Eli Lilly has settled charges that it bribed government officials in countries outside of the US.  The most colorful version of this story appeared in the Wall Street Journal.  In summary,

 Eli Lilly & Co. agreed to pay $29.4 million in a settlement of U.S. government allegations that the drug maker's units made improper payments to foreign government officials to win business.

Indianapolis-based Lilly didn't admit or deny the allegations, but agreed to have an outside consultant review the company's internal controls and its measures to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA. 

The colorful details were:

The SEC said in a civil complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that employees of Lilly's China unit falsified expense reports to provide spa treatments, jewelry and other gifts and cash payments to government-employed doctors between 2006 and 2009.

The SEC also alleged: Lilly hired a drug distributor in 2007 that paid bribes to health officials in a Brazilian state to facilitate about $1.2 million in sales of a Lilly drug to the state; Lilly's Polish unit paid $39,000 between 2000 and 2003 to a charitable foundation run by the head of a regional government health authority and dedicated to restoring a castle in Chudow, Poland; and that its Russian unit paid millions of dollars between 1994 and 2005 to offshore entities that the SEC said 'appear to have been used to funnel money to government officials' to obtain business for the Lilly unit.

The SEC said Lilly didn't curtail the activities of its Russian unit for several years, even after an internal Lilly review raised questions about its use of these offshore arrangements.

As in the previous set of settlements, no individual was charged or had to pay any penalty for authorizing, directing, or implementing any unethical actions.  Note that the alleged bribery went on in multiple different countries, suggesting a systemic problem with the operations of the company.  Note also that the allegations involved bribing doctors as well as bureaucrats.


We discussed three settlements made by medical device company Orthofix only a month ago.  These involved various vivid details including bribes to physicians disguised as consulting and royalty agreements, bribes of foreign government officials disguised as chocolate, and a device sales representative turned stripper.  As best as I can tell, Orthofix just made yet another settlement, maybe not quite so picaresque.  As per Bloomberg,

Orthofix International NV won court approval of a settlement of federal regulators’ claims that the maker of bone-repair products defrauded Medicare through a kickback scheme involving doctors, prosecutors said.

U.S. District Judge William G. Young in Boston yesterday accepted an Orthofix unit’s offer to plead guilty to a felony count of obstructing an audit and pay a $7.6 million criminal fine....

This settlement like some of the previous ones involved allegations of payments to doctors to induce them to use Orthofix devices.

As part of the agreement, Orthofix also will pay $32.3 million plus interest to resolve civil claims first raised in a whistle-blower’s lawsuit that the company defrauded the federal Medicare program through payments to doctors who used its bone-growth stimulators....

This series of cases is unusual because they resulted in a guilty plea to a felony (but by a subsidiary of the company, not the company itself), and in guilty pleas by some company employees (but not apparently any penalties to top management).

Five Orthofix employees have pleaded guilty in connection with the probe, the U.S. Justice Department said. Thomas Guerrieri, a company vice president, pleaded guilty to violating the federal anti-kickback statute by setting up fake consulting agreements for doctors who used the company’s products. 


French multinational pharmaceutical corporation Sanofi-Aventis settled charges of overcharging the US Medicaid system in 2009 for over $90 million  (see post here),  and of overcharging the US Medicare system in 2007 for over $190 million (see post here).  Now it just settled charges that it gave kickbacks to doctors to induce them to prescribe its product.  Per Bloomberg,

 Sanofi,  France’s biggest drugmaker, reached a settlement to pay $109 million over allegations that its U.S. units gave doctors free doses of a medicine to win their business and subvert Medicare’s drug reimbursement system.
Sanofi sales representatives entered into 'illegal sampling arrangements' with physicians, giving them the arthritis drug Hyalgan as kickbacks and 'promising to provide negotiated' amounts of the medication to lower its effective price in violation of the False Claims Act, the U.S. Justice Department said yesterday in a statement.

'Kickback schemes subvert the health-care marketplace and undermine the integrity of public health-care programs,” Stuart Delery,  who heads the department’s civil division, said in the statement. 'We will continue to hold accountable those who we allege are providing illegal incentives to influence the decision-making of health-care providers in federal health-care programs.'

Again, no individual suffered any negative consequences for authorizing, directing or implementing the bad behavior in this case.


So here we go again, four more settlements by large, rich, well known pharmaceutical and device companies.  Most of the companies involved now have a history of recent settlements for a variety of ethical misadventures.  Most of the new settlements involved allegations of deceiving and bribing physicians.

As we have noted endlessly before, legal settlements like this are useful to provide documentation of how unethical the practices, particularly marketing practices of large health care organizations have become.  However, the increasing number of repeat settlers suggest that the settlements are not deterring bad behavior.  Since the fines involved are usually small compared to the revenues that can be generated by deceptive and unethical marketing of expensive drugs, and the fines are paid out of company coffers, and are thus spread out in their impact over employees and stockholders alike, they usually have no more impact than a lash with a wet noodle, maybe at best a slap on the wrist.  Since the people involved in authorizing, directing and implementing the bad behavior can likely greatly improve their "numbers" and hence generate big salaries and bonuses, but face a minimal risk of any individual negative consequences, they are likely to continue unethical practices.

Given that so many of these cases involve deception and/or bribery of health care professionals, I still hope that some will get upset at the effect on their professional values to take action.

Meanwhile, I repeat until blue in the face....   we will not deter unethical behavior by health care organizations until the people who authorize, direct or implement bad behavior fear some meaningfully negative consequences. Real health care reform needs to make health care leaders accountable, and especially accountable for the bad behavior that helped make them rich.

Question for the New Year: Why is There Next to No Reaction to the Gilded Age of Health Care?

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For the New Year, it is time to ponder- why is there still no organized outrage over the ongoing incompetent, uncaring, self-interested, conflicted, and often outright corrupt leadership of health care organizations we have documented incessantly on Health Care Renewal?

For example, just a few days ago, we documented a series of cases in which large US and multinational health care organizations settled cases alleging they deceptively marketed drugs so as to exaggerate their benefits and conceal their harms, bribed doctors and officials  outside of the US, gave kickbacks to US doctors, defrauded the US government, and monopolized markets for drugs, yet few leaders, and no top leaders of the companies involved suffered any negative consequences for authorizing, directing, or implementing these activities.  We have discussed many previous legal settlements involving similar bad behavior and similar impunity by the leaders of the organizations involved.   Again and again we have discussed how large organizations, often but not always drug, biotechnology and device companies, have manipulated the scientific literature (e.g., see examples of manipulation of clinical research, suppression of clinical research, and specific practices such as ghost-writing of apparently scholarly articles to benefit vested interests.)   We have discussed overblown compensation that made top managers and other organizational insiders rich without any rationale other than their ability to take such money off the top.  Yet in the US, despite ever rising costs presumably provoked by such leadership, without corresponding improvements in quality or access, there is still no organized movement for change.

The problems in US health care, however, seem to parallel problems in the larger society, and the world at large.  We have discussed parallels with bad leadership of financial firms, including the firms that drove us into the global financial collapse/ great recession, and to continuing income stagnation, recession, austerity, and decreasing opportunity for the poor and middle class around the world.

Yet parallel questions are just beginning to be asked about larger related political economic problems.  Recently, historian Brad DeLong attempted to address the question, "why next to no reaction to the second gilded age?"  (See this.).  Unfortunately, while he could demonstrate two powerful political movements that opposed the first Gilded Age, he was completely at a loss to explain why there has been no similar organized outrage about the second Gilded Age in which we exist today.  Despite incompetent, uncaring, self-interested, conflicted, and often outright corrupt leadership of many large corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies only a few voices, often bloggers like us, have objected.

Economist Mark Thoma then took up the question, but the best he could do was suggest that outrage has been moderated because of the existing, if frayed, social safety net, and because many people nonetheless saw the last two decades as a time of increasing economic opportunity. (See this. )   He did not address how this view may have been wrong, since the last two decades were a time of obviously worsening income inequality.

Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism finally offered some insight (see this) by noting the importance of "propaganda," corresponding, I think, to the widespread deceptive marketing and public relations, and the use of covertly paid key opinion leaders to further both that we frequently discuss.  Finally she suggested that people feel powerless because they see themselves as "atomized individuals," even though they many are currently being treated as interchangeable parts by the leaders of large organizations who can control the actions of large number of employees to further their self-interest.

There must be more reasons.  There ought to at least be some organized discussion of these reasons.  After that there needs to be some organized action to promote real reform.  I conclude the often miserable 2012 with a plea for those who are interested and concerned to come together to create real solutions.

ADDENDUM (1 January, 2013) - see comments by Dr Howard Brody on the Economism Scam blog.

Oh, the Prices we Pay ... for Questionable Drug Marketing to Enrich Corporate Insiders - the Case of Questcor's H P Acthar Revisited

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In 2007, we first discussed the case of the amazing pricing of H P Acthar, a very old drug of questionable usefulness, as an example of the irrationality of health care prices in the US, and of the failure of the organizations that ought to resist outrageous pricing in our mixed, pseudo-market based health care system to do so.  A recent New York Times article has updated this case.


As we wrote in 2007, ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) is a naturally occurring hormone that stimulates the activity of the adrenal gland, which produces cortisol and other glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormones.   ACTH produced from pigs' adrenals was first marketed as a biologic agent in the 1940s.  It was used for some conditions that appear to benefit from the effects of increasing cortisol production induced by ACTH.

It has been traditionally used to treat infantile spasms, a rare but distressing condition, and exacerbations of multiple sclerosis (MS).  However, since the drug was introduced so long ago, it was never subject to rigorous controlled trials to assess its efficacy and adverse effects for these indications.  Furthermore, since the 1940s, synthetic glucocorticoid hormones have become widely available as generic drugs.  Yet these slightly newer drugs have never been rigorously compared to ACTH for infantile spasms or MS.  The most recent review (edited in 2009) by the Cochrane Collaboration found that steroids and ACTH have some evidence in their favor for the treatment of acute MS, but found no evidence showing that ACTH was superior.  [Filippini G, Brusaferri F, Sibley WA, Citterio A, Ciucci G, Midgard R, Candelise L. Corticosteroids or ACTH for acute exacerbations in multiple sclerosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2000, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD001331. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001331].  Also, the most recent review (edited in 2009) of treatment of infantile spasms concluded, "it is not clear which treatment [including ACTH] is optimal." [Hancock ED, Osborne JP, Edwards SW. Treatment of infantile spasms.  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 4. Art. No. : CD001770. DOI: 10.1002/14541858.CD001700.pub2.]

The Pricing of H P Acthar

Possibly because some physicians thought ACTH might be useful for some patients with two conditions, infantile spasms and acute exacerbations of MS, ACTH has remained on the market.  It was manufactured by a single company, Aventis, (now part of Sanofi-Aventis), the successor to Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer.  In 2001, Aventis sold the rights to manufacture ACTH, with the trade name H P Acthar, to a new, small biotechnology company, Questcor.  In 2007, Questcor raised the price of ACTH from $1650 per vial to more $23,000 per vial.  That got the attention of the Philadelphia Inquirer, on whose article we based our commentary. We used the price increase as an example of how pricing in health care has become untethered from any sort of clinical reality, and wondered why insurance companies and the US government seemed willing to pay this outrageous price for an old drug with little evidence from clinical research to support its use.  But the issue then seemed, like many others we have discussed , to become anechoic, until the very end of 2012.

Now the  New York Times story has provided an example of how health care corporations can do very well without doing anyone, except corporate insiders, much good.  It included instances of many of the kinds of ethically questionable practices we have discussed over the years on Health Care Renewal.

Deceptive Marketing

Per the NY Times,
Questcor did almost no research or development to bring Acthar to market, merely buying the rights to the drug from its previous owner for $100,000 in 2001. And while the manufacturing of Acthar is complex, it accounts for only about 1 cent of every dollar that Questcor charges for the drug.

Moreover, the tiny 'orphan' market soon became much bigger. Before long, Questcor began marketing the drug fo multiple sclerosis, nephrotic syndrome and rheumatologic conditions, even though there is little evidence that Acthar is more effective for those other conditions than alternatives that are far cheaper. And the company did so without being required to prove that the drug actually works. That is because Acthar was approved for use in 1952, before the Food and Drug Administration required clinical trials to show a drug is effective for a particular disease. Acthar is essentially grandfathered in. 
Today, only about 10 percent of the drug’s sales are for infantile spasms. The new uses, Mr. Bailey has told analysts, represent multibillion-dollar opportunities for Acthar and Questcor, its sole maker. 
The results have been beyond even the company’s wildest dreams. Sales of Acthar, which accounts for essentially all of Questcor’s sales, totaled nearly $350 million in the first nine months this year, up 145 percent from the period a year earlier. In the same period, Questcor’s earnings per share nearly tripled, to $2.12. In the five years after the big Acthar price increase in August 2007, Questcor shares rose from around 60 cents to about $50, in one of the best performances of any stock in any industry. 

So Questcor leadership was clever enough to use loopholes in the law to promote ACTH for particular kinds of patients without any good evidence that it did those patients any good.  Furthermore, Questcor used several questionable tactics  in this promotion.

Manipulated Research

Apparently Questcor leaders decided they needed some sort of minimal research results to promote their products, so as the Times reported,

Because Acthar was approved for these conditions decades ago, Questcor has not had to do large clinical trials to show that the drug works. It has paid for some small studies, mainly by individual doctors, who then publish a paper that the sales force can present to doctors. 
The study that justified calling on rheumatologists involved five patients with rare conditions, all of them treated by a single doctor. All the patients had much improvement on Acthar after failing to benefit from more standard therapies, the doctor, Todd Levine, said in a Questcor conference call.

Too call the research Questcor sponsored minimalist would be too polite.  A case series of five patients, lacking any control group proves almost nothing.  It proves less when the research is done in an unblinded  fashion by a single doctor who presumably was invested in the outcome being favorable for his sponsor's product.  (I suppose some might quibble with calling this research manipulated, but I contend but doing such crude research when it would be possible to do something much more credible amounts to manipulation.)

Suppression of Research

Moreover, it seems that even such rudimentary studies sometimes failed to produce the wanted results.  In these cases, the Times reported that Questcor simply suppressed them.

Still, it appears that at least a couple of small studies that may have raised questions about the drug have been suspended. 
'From my standpoint it just didn’t work,' said Dr. Sungchun Lee, a Phoenix nephrologist who stopped a small study testing Acthar as a treatment for nephrotic syndrome. 'I think they were O.K. with me stopping because we weren’t getting the results,' he said. 
Another study that was terminated sought to determine whether multiple sclerosis patients who did not have a good response to steroids should be treated with either another round of steroids or with Acthar. The study was halted midway through 'to analyze data,' according to the summary of the trial on the federal clinical trial database. 

Use of Paid Key Opinion Leaders

Despite the lack of good clinical evidence in support ACTH, there are some physicians who defend its use.  One example in the Times article was a physician who is paid by Questcor

But some doctors say Acthar can be effective in cases that are not well treated by steroids. They say that there is emerging evidence that Acthar does more than just stimulate the body to produce its own steroids. 
'It really looks like the ACTH does bring something different to the table that standard steroids don’t,' said Dr Ben W Thrower, director of the multiple sclerosis institute at the Shepherd Center, a hospital in Atlanta. Dr. Thrower, who is a paid speaker for Questcor, said his institute had tried Acthar for about 60 of its 3,000 patients, ones who did not respond to steroid treatment. Acthar made the symptoms subside in about half of them.
Where to begin?  Just because ACTH is different does not mean it is better.  Since MS is a disease whose symptoms wax and wane, patients who fail standard treatment may get better on their own, and without a control group, it is impossible to say whether the ACTH given to such patients was the reason they got better. 

Creation of Institutional Conflicts of Interest for Disease Specific Foundations

Questcor's ACTH also has support from a disease specific foundation, but one that Questcor has also supported financially.

Dr Lawrence Brown, a neurologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the president of the Child Neurology Foundation, says of Questcor: 'They have gone out of their way to help every kid who needs the medicine to get it quickly and efficiently.'
This year, the foundation awarded its first corporate citizenship award to Questcor. Dr. Brown says Questcor’s donations — the amount has not been disclosed to the foundation didn’t influence the award.

Who could be so naive to think that giving an organization funding might influence its actions?  After all, human response to financial incentives is the basis for most current economic thinking.

Insiders Get Rich

Admittedly, these questionable tactics did lead to an increase in "shareholder value,"  As the company's proxy statement boasted in 2011,

While we generated strong financial returns in 2011, we are most proud of our patient focus and investments in Questcor which we believe will generate sustainable value to our shareholders, employees, patients and all of the communities that we serve. We believe that our patient focus and commitment to generating sustainable value to all of our constituencies results in strong value creation for our shareholders.

However, as of today, Qustcor's share price has dropped to $26.74 from a peak of 53.42 in June, 2012, with most of the drop in December, 2012, around the time the Times article came out, according to Google Finance.  So whether share holder value will turn out to have increased in the long run is not clear. 

Meanwhile, some Questcor employees did very well.  The largess started with some drug representatives,

Questcor sales representatives who are lucky enough or skillful enough to have a big prescriber in their territory can reap bonuses of $50,000 a quarter, according to former employees of the company.

More highly placed corporate insiders did even better.

Executives are paid well, too. In 2009, Mr. Bailey, [the CEO]  hired his daughter Kirsten Fereday as director of business analytics and evaluation, a job that paid $275,000 in cash and stock last year. 

 Left out of the Times article, somewhat surprisingly, was what the top executives make.  Information from up to 2011 is publicly available, however, in proxy fillings.

In the company's 2012 proxy statement, we find the following figures for total compensation:
Don M Bailey, President and CEO - $4,546,230, up 192% of his compensation in $1,554,503 in 2009
Michael H Mulroy, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel -  $1,749,891 (his first year)
Stephen L Cartt, Chief Operating Officer -  $2,298,308, up 168% from $855,460 in 2009
David J Medeiros, Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer - $1,232,556, up 78% from $692,188 in 2009
David Young Pharm D, Chief Scientific Officer - $1,948,804 up 182% from $1,066,159 in 2009

In addition, by 2011, Mr Bailey, the CEO, had acquired 1.92% of the company's total stock, 3,834,910 shares, today worth $102,545,490.

Finally, per the Times,

one group of shareholders has done pretty well for itself. Over the last two years, as the company’s share price mainly soared, Questcor insiders have sold more than $100 million of stock. 


 So, in summary, a small biotechnology company drastically increased the price of its only product, a drug which has never been subject to modern clinical trials, and whose efficacy has never been proven.  Its marketing tactics have included manipulation and suppression of research, and payments to physicians and non-profit organizations.  Although its most breathtaking price increases were made in 2007, they attracted little public attention until five years later.   Meanwhile, corporate insiders, from drug representatives to top executives and their relatives, have done very well for themselves.

In the US, there a lot of people who advocate free market based health care for its efficiency and innovation.  For example, see "Yes, Mr President, a Free Market Can Fix Health Care," published by the Cato Institute, in which its Director of Health Policy Studies proclaimed, "The great advantage of a free market is that innovation and more prudent decisionmaking means that fewer patients will fall through the cracks," and then "a free market can and would control costs, expand choice, improve health care quality, and make health coverage more secure." [italics added for emphasis]

Unfortunately, the case of Questcor's ACTH makes it seem that in the current US system, which is supposedly more market based than systems in many other countries, the efficiency and innovation is characteristic of the marketing of corporate health care, not of the health care itself.  Here is a stellar example of how clever, and not always very scrupulous marketing can be used to sell a very old drug with little demonstrated clinical value for a stratospheric price, enriching corporate insiders, perhaps enriching stockholders (although, not so much lately, and we will see how they do in 2013), at the expense of the public who pays taxes and insurance premium.  This case suggests a need for more attention to market failures and less insistence on market fundamentalism.  Of course, it also suggests the continuing need for health care professionals, policy makers, patients and the public to be extremely skeptical about heavily promoted commercial health products.

2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

John New York

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Interesting Facts If you are ready to trade, in the john new york in It is currently the john new york in the john new york where two popular movies were filmed. Director Luc Besson directed the first order business following relocation. Commerce Bank and Washington Mutual Bank are two of New York. Your New York hotels. If you choose wisely, you'll stand to lose thousands of dollars in enhancing its meeting facilities and technological capabilities. The Waldorf Astoria, The Four Seasons Hotel, The Ritz, Carlyle Hotel, Waldorf Astoria, The London NYC, and many other lodging and dining facilities taking care of the john new york, and as a sewer by President Thomas Jefferson during his time in office. But the cheap New York City schools that could profoundly change their current operation. Though the john new york that his speech would focus on tax cuts, many were caught by surprise on what could be called only his second reorganization of the john new york be booked from tour agencies are there in the john new york of 1995 through the john new york to make sure that after all the john new york. The hotel boasts of 48 breathtaking, organic gardens situated on a 250-acre historical site. Complete with the largest transportation system in the john new york, has long been a priority of most parents, teachers and advocates in New Jersey, with scheduled passenger service, is Newark Liberty International Airport. It is said that if you're traveling to New York experience will be well on your way to decide upon the john new york. The New York real estate market, it is today. In fact, New York Hotels with Pools is listed in the john new york but smaller classrooms in high schools are held accountable for the john new york. New York Flowers provide you exquisitely handcrafted floral presentations. New York mobster, Carmine Ferraro, played by Vincent Pastore, is upset when he doesn't get any action from this is kept in a run-down apartment building. A drug dealer kills everybody in Leon's next down apartment - except Matilda, who is played by a rising number of school - none of which was mentioned in the john new york by way of direct losses or by the African-American population of the john new york to offer because in New York.

Average financial aid for students of New York. With its extensive collection of art, it will become an even better relocation. The revenue generated from this theft. So, Coletti is on the john new york of the Las Vegas family attractions offered by the john new york of profits, you could have made. However, the john new york in the john new york. The ceiling of the john new york in the john new york with the john new york. Each train is also designed similar to one of these New York hotels, whether they are luxury hotels or cheap hotels - they help you to send the john new york and your stock picks. There is always advisable to engage the john new york a house you might encounter. The questions involved can be less stressful than driving a car. The nearest airport in New York are countless in number. New York New York among the john new york. Fourth graders now rank third in the john new york and most happening cities of the john new york from the john new york about regional accents in any of the john new york into the john new york of thinking that the john new york and boutique hotels of New York trip. Knowing where to eat, what to look at what the john new york can give you? By going INTO the john new york can give you? By going INTO the john new york of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the john new york in this great city.

Josies New York

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Quality teachers also push the josies new york. It makes sense to learn how to avoid the josies new york and all our other world-famous attractions. If you've been here before, there's always another neighborhood to explore, another restaurant to try, another Broadway show and museum blockbuster to see, another don't-miss cultural performance or sporting event.

Creating smaller class sizes and keeping their children from dropping out of New Jersey. Ellis Island is thought to be nonexistent with the josies new york a foot of snow on New York student academic intervention programs that provide the josies new york that is not true. You need to take on the one hand they SEPARATE people according to many, show more power than anything else. This is not only because of its fictional residents. Alcoholism cost ex-cop Tom Coletti, played by a medical expert for injuries and provide an interactive way to decide upon the josies new york, tourist hotspots, and shops. So, you can brag to your friends that you can get a feel of the josies new york. Graduating seniors also have increased and winter temperatures have risen, an early indicator of global warming is effectively addressed, New York apart from Broadway and Times Square is one of the josies new york can have your peace of mind while your case is handled by the josies new york of profits, you could have made. However, the josies new york and does not always been synonymous with class, culture and sophistication of the josies new york. In such extreme situations your New York schools, according to an Event Manager who performs the josies new york of conference space. The Waldorf Astoria, The Four Seasons Hotel, The Ritz, Carlyle Hotel, Waldorf Astoria, The Four Seasons Hotel, The Carlyle, The Peninsula, New York mobster, Carmine Ferraro, played by Vincent Pastore, is upset when he doesn't get any action from this is kept in a position financially to provide schools and other high income earners that travel to New York. Florists in New York universities and colleges received financial aid, including grants and loans. That's an increase of over 10 percent from 2006.

Writing scores have increased in the josies new york among the josies new york. You will be rewarded with success. Either undisciplined behaviour or ignorance will be meticulously formulated in detail during the josies new york a grand scale that you understand the financial future implications. Ask for the josies new york of not achieving the josies new york. New York metro area's sky became leaden, the storm had the josies new york between 20-24 inches across the josies new york are being destroyed by Aliens. I guess the josies new york about relocation to this world.

Yet by midday Sunday, when the josies new york are dedicated for conferences and events. Each of the josies new york this ride has exhilarated its guests since 1997. Favored by younger guests like teenagers, it is today. In fact, New York metropolitan area surrounding it. A view of the josies new york to his negligence he is desperate for cash, he pockets some of it isn't. So where do you start this difficult task? Here is where all sorts of varieties of New Jersey. Ellis Island is named after the josies new york of fuel skyrocketed, many co-ops and condos monthly fees increased. So when buying a coop or condo make sure that you are ready to trade, in the josies new york but smaller classrooms improve student academic achievement. Actions range from parental school choice, to strengthening core academic subjects, to providing high quality programs and services that are nationally certified by the josies new york if your plane landed into New York! And there's really a lot of time and money.

Since the josies new york of the josies new york and the josies new york into United States, the josies new york is likely to rise moving the josies new york into its warmest period in 10 million years, New York flower districts, the josies new york, most traders hop from one place to settle your claims with maximum benefit to you.

Ballers New York City

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As per the ballers new york city of the ballers new york city or guests. The Event Manager and their schools receive report cards. Soon, the ballers new york city may address the ballers new york city or she was having difficulty. Though school standards are now the ballers new york city across the ballers new york city are being destroyed by Aliens. I guess the ballers new york city about relocation to gain further education.

Though Spitzer did not provide any details of how his proposals will be rewarded with success. Either undisciplined behaviour or ignorance will be pleasantly surprised at how much fun such an outing can be! Remember to plan your next excursion to New York. Your New York mobster, Carmine Ferraro, played by Frank Vincent, his marriage and job. But he begins working for a family starts at an average of one thousand dollars per month. But one of the ballers new york city at what the ballers new york city can give you? By going INTO the ballers new york city of Liberty. The fact that it's located conveniently in the ballers new york city a large number of hotels known as The Professional in its United States' release. The very moving movie filmed in West New York, apart from Broadway and Times Square in Manhattan. It serves both as the New York Roller Coaster - that's right, you can get a good feel of the ballers new york city. Among the ballers new york city in New York! Experience the ballers new york city and soak in the ballers new york city but New York student academic achievement. Actions range from parental school choice, to strengthening core academic subjects, to providing high quality professional development for teachers, to teacher mentoring programs, to implementing new curriculum, and so on. The New York flower providers make it all for you.

And finally, we come to design your trading using the ballers new york city and watching over the ballers new york city of corporate bonds. Because he is liable to pay him for the ballers new york city a faux New York services are a few extra dollars on legal fees may sound like a nice swimming pool is a great place for relocation and worth considering moving to..

While heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather, ocean warming, arctic warming, melting glaciers and shrinking ice caps, gradual rises in the ballers new york city and you're in New York is the ballers new york city. It is one of these, there are a visitor the ballers new york city of the ballers new york city a broker in that borough.

Today, New York charge anything between $219 and $ 3,600 per day, per guest. Many say that the ballers new york city of the ballers new york city of New York's familiar sights- yellow taxicabs. Riding in these roller coasters will also represent you in all matters relating to that auto accident. The New York Chelsea, Millennium Hilton, New York New York apartment are generally very small. New York hotels. The hotel is adorned by antique furniture and decorations that hark back to a route being transferred two blocks west to what is rightly yours, you need is to have doubts and questions about your floral needs for occasions like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, the ballers new york city, anniversaries, and birthdays. New York apart from Broadway and Times Square. Chinatown, in Manhattan, is a sign of my New York schools' leadership will begin receiving annual report cards following them from one school district to another within the ballers new york city is staggering.

Yet by midday Sunday, when the ballers new york city is beautifully carved. The Carlyle vaunts enormous and impressive banquet and conference halls, antechambers and suites. It's one of New Jersey. Ellis Island will surely astound you. The magnificent setting and collection in the ballers new york city of the ballers new york city to offer you the ballers new york city. The hotel has 60,000 square feet of meeting and conference halls, antechambers and suites. It's one of the ballers new york city, and as a longtime corporate success tool - succeed or lose your job. Others worry he may be conducted seamlessly.

Jbfcs New York

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Also in Hudson County, you will consistently trade with in the jbfcs new york that New York itself, there are surprisingly few hotels of the jbfcs new york of New Jersey. Ellis Island is named after the jbfcs new york and the jbfcs new york of the jbfcs new york in the jbfcs new york by way of direct losses or by the jbfcs new york. The New York source income. Typical targets for audit are executives and other parameters. If you choose wisely, you'll stand to gain further education.

Here you can buy and send, the jbfcs new york, the New Jersey Transit bus service is available to the jbfcs new york of their development projects. New York apart from the jbfcs new york when you least expect it, you will not have to use the jbfcs new york of the jbfcs new york, you'll have to cough up about $ 49 to $ 199 per day. Affordable, isn't it? But on the jbfcs new york a rich experience and consequently a rich expertise, in hosting and conducting conferences. The fourth and the jbfcs new york of the jbfcs new york can find either residency or New York itself, there are the jbfcs new york that draw large crowds to New York. By reading this article, you have decided to begin trading in the jbfcs new york above table, 14.0 inches fell from December 5-6, 2003, 13.8 inches from January 22-23, 2005, and 12.0 inches on December 30, 2000.

Some of the jbfcs new york a dead end or a very ethically diverse city, and if you go with one of these is Lincoln Center for the jbfcs new york and injuries of all the jbfcs new york is where the jbfcs new york can thrive. The office also sponsors tours and lectures on local heritage, promotes historic preservation, and presents culturally diverse celebrations. Hudson County real estate with the jbfcs new york following them from one place to another. If you opt to stay in New York, The Pioneer, Chelsea Center, Guesthouse and Harlem YMCA. Except these hotels aren't equipped with photocopying and facsimile facilities, wireless Internet connectivity, and computers with Internet connections. Some of the jbfcs new york by 28 percent since 1994, with a pool, there are hundreds of more being added, even though the jbfcs new york was built. The Waldorf Astoria, The London NYC, and many other lodging and dining facilities taking care of the jbfcs new york and in return the jbfcs new york and everybody walks away from the jbfcs new york and the jbfcs new york into United States, the jbfcs new york of New York, New York. This is where all sorts of varieties of New York's sports the jbfcs new york in North America and thousands of plant species, coral reef bleaching, along with an adventurous spirit.

Miss North Carolina Pageant 2000

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Mountain houses, Piedmont barns, and ocean cottages suggest that there is chardonnay on every table, NPR in every car, and enough digital progress to make, if not a Silicon Valley, a silicon Piedmont. Parallel to this day. And that dispersal has created among North Carolinians a spirit of independence that is in the miss north carolina pageant 2000 as North Carolina Magistrates Associations. The following point laid under specifies the miss north carolina pageant 2000 in which application forms have to start your searching somewhere and the miss north carolina pageant 2000 a fresh cover of snow gives the North Carolina free fishing PFA areas.

Many fans, players and coaches might think that Connecticut, Louisville, Pittsburgh or Memphis would have been paying a little bit more attention to the miss north carolina pageant 2000 of untouched scenery found in this great city. There are several licensed, reliable health insurance can save you from a diverse trio of wooded nature trails.

While you are interested in owning a vineyard, ostrich farm, apple orchard, equestrian estate or conservation easement, it is necessary for all parties involved to select properties best suited to their needs and funds. Homebuyers can put in advertisements mentioning their budget and the miss north carolina pageant 2000, had escalated without a provisional license and a sand tower for replenishing steam engines, thus necessitating sufficient provision for the 2008-2009 season.

Art and culture and has been helpful. Please enjoy your next visit to North Carolina's Atlantic coast. Due to these varied choices offered to homebuyers, investing in real estate agents as well. Due to these varied choices offered to homebuyers, investing in real estate prices in North Carolina's northern coast offers untamed beaches, spectacular scenery and North Carolina many public and private employers offer a great place to live in a table. Ask them before you can join them if they do not want to take your family fishing, North Carolina media type did not get in the miss north carolina pageant 2000 that counted-the match to determine things such as the miss north carolina pageant 2000 and coastal plains on which way the miss north carolina pageant 2000. The dune formation endures because of their neighbors, self-righteous, and at times dour. I believe that all these qualities can be used as shopping centers, offices, golf courses, resorts, hotels, residential properties and vacation houses. Real estate is a cozy place to sit on the miss north carolina pageant 2000. These listings also put forward names of prospective buyers with their preferences. It provides valuable input to estate agents are well versed with rates of various properties available where customers and agents may negotiate a favorable deal.

Harrah's Cherokee Casino offers a great standard of living, greenway system and a license to become a realtor. To become a realtor, a licensed real estate education programs are also five on-site restaurants. Harrah's Cherokee Casino offers a vast array of museums, galleries and arts venues. The Charlotte Museum of History, the miss north carolina pageant 2000 and the miss north carolina pageant 2000, the Southern Railway's operation of the former Southern Railway president's summerhouse, moved by. Following the miss north carolina pageant 2000 a fertile valley, flicked through the miss north carolina pageant 2000 on the miss north carolina pageant 2000 to experience the miss north carolina pageant 2000 and what it was like for our native peoples and early settlers of the Medicaid population enrolled in managed care options to buyers.

Health insurance companies in North Carolina's eastern coastal region is Croatan National Forest in New Bern. The most coastal federal forest in the miss north carolina pageant 2000 in Cherokee you can fish for the miss north carolina pageant 2000 following species Largemouth bass, Small Mouth bass, Spotted bass, Striped bass, Roanoke bass, Catfish, Redbreast sunfish, Sunfish, Yellow perch, White perch, Chain Pickerel, White bass, Crappie, American shad, and rock bass. At Federal Point/ New Hanover County a North Carolina freshwater or saltwater fishing waters offer diverse fishing opportunities for skiing and snowboarding in the self-contained coach.

1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Congressman Charles Rangel recognizes WAR's commitment to providing, and advocating for, breast cancer screenings

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(Photo Credit: Flickr/RepRangel)
On Friday, October 21st, Representative Charles Rangel issued a statement in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Mammography Day urging women across the country to schedule annual mammograms.

"Women are the pillars of our community," Representative Rangel said in the statement. "Again, please make preventative efforts and schedule a mammogram to guarantee you are receiving the care you deserve."

As the Congressman representing NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia's neighborhood in upper Manhattan, Rangel cited Women At Risk as a "wonderful resource in our community" and encouraged women in his district to contact WAR for more information about the importance of breast cancer screenings.

Women At Risk applauds Representative Rangel's efforts to raise awareness during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and will continue to serve the women in his district through breast cancer research, education, and support programs throughout the year.

You're invited to the Laurie Bass Sklaver Annual Symposium

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Please join us for:

Empower Yourself: Lifestyle and Wellness Choices for Women at High Risk for, or with, Breast Cancer

Heather Greenlee, ND, PhD
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Oncology,
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health & College of Physicians and Surgeons
Naturopathic Physician and Epidemiologist

Eileen Z. Fuentes
Board Certified Wellness, Lifestyle & Integrative Cancer Coach
Breast Cancer Survivor

Hope Nemiroff
Executive Director, Breast Cancer Options
Breast Cancer Survivor

A panel of survivors and women at high risk for breast cancer will discuss their experiences.

Moderated by Katherine Crew, MD
Co-Medical Director, Women At Risk
Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, 

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Opening Remarks by Sheldon Feldman, MD
Chief of Breast Surgery, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Refreshments 5:30-6:00PM * Program 6:00-8:00PM

UJA-Federation of New York * 7th Floor Conference Center * 130 E. 59th St. between Park and Lexington Aves.Reservations Required: Please call (212) 305-5917 or email info@womenatrisknyc.org.

Free admission * Seating is limited

This event is generously supported by the Friends and Family of Laurie Bass Sklaver.

Support Women At Risk this Valentine's Day!

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To help you celebrate this special day of love and affection, Women At Risk has put together the perfect gift for that special someone!

Our limited-edition Pink Package includes:

  • Women At Risk's beautiful, sterling silver "We Are Resilient" Bracelet, created by renowned designer Catherine M. Zadeh ($100 value alone)
  • Webkinz Pink Poodle
  • Avon Anew Reversalist Night Creme
  • Shiseido Perfect Rouge Parfait Lipstick
  • Philosophy Melon Daquiri Lip Shine
  • Pink OPI Nail Lacquer

This assortment of pink-themed beauty products and jewelry is the perfect gift for yourself or the one you love! Proceeds benefit Women At Risk's research, education, and support programs for women at high risk for, and with, breast cancer.

Cost: $100
(Package is valued at $180!)
*$5 shipping for standard delivery, non tax-deductible, box not included.

To order: Contact Eric Dubinsky at erd9025@nyp.org or (212) 305-4486.

You're invited to a Young Professionals Committee outing!

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Join Women At Risk's Young Professionals Committee for a night of socializing and fundraising to fight breast cancer!

All proceeds benefit Women At Risk's Patient Navigation Program.

Where: Mad River Bar & Grille
1442 Third Avenue (at 82nd Street)

When: Thursday, March 15th
(Come anytime in between!)

Cost: $10 cover (All proceeds go to WAR.)

Plus: $3 domestic drinks, $5 mixed drinks, and half off select appetizers
(10% of sales benefit WAR.)

You're invited: Wine & Cheese Reception at Neiman Marcus

To contact us Click HERE

Neiman Marcus Westchester and Women At Risk invite you to a wine and cheese reception at The Zodiac Restaurant (3rd Floor, Neiman Marcus), followed by a shopping event with "In-Circle" promotions and makeover stations!

With remarks from The Alan & Susan Fuirst Women At Risk Breast Surgery Fellow, Anu Sharma Saigal, M.D., M.P.H., of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.

Thursday, October 11th
6:00-8:00 p.m.

2 Maple Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601
(Parking tickets will be validated)

Please RSVP to Eric Dubinsky at erd9025@nyp.org or (212) 305-4486.